WW Walls Electrical Ltd

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This Nanaimo area electrician has 0 reviews. Services offered include electrical work. Ask about their license and insurance information, request a quote, or be the first to write a review.

Contact Details

Contact WW Walls Electrical Ltd

250-753-0970 |Website 3049 B McCauley Drive, Nanaimo BC V9T 1V7

0 Customer Reviews

Rating Not Yet Available

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WW Walls Electrical Ltd has not yet been rated. Be the first to write a review. The average customer rating for other businesses providing similar services serving the Nanaimo area is 0.

Overall Rating Summary

Quality of Work Quality NA
Timeliness Timeliness NA
Cleanliness Cleanliness NA
Budget Budget NA
Communication Communication NA
Courteous Courteous NA

Rating Distribution

Very Good
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Sufficient data is not available to establish a TrustScore for WW Walls Electrical Ltd. The average TrustScore™ for other businesses providing similar services in Nanaimo and the surrounding areas is 3. For detailed information on how TrustScore is calculated, click here to learn more.

Not Available
TrustScore N/A
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Services Offered

Additional services may be offered by this company. Please contact WW Walls Electrical Ltd to inquire about their full list of services.

Overview Continued


This Nanaimo area electrician has 0 reviews. Services offered include electrical work. Ask about their license and insurance information, request a quote, or be the first to write a review.

Check local laws pertaining to license requirements and verify license and insurance details provided by the contractor prior to hiring.


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