Dare2Compare Demo's

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We are committed to plan, design and build the best home remodeling projects, whether it's a bathroom or kitchen upgrade, finishing a basement or a complete home renovation filled with luxury designer options. We take pride in creating homes that are as beautiful to look at as they are comfortable to live in. Each and every project offers a  read more...

Contact Details

Contact Dare2Compare Demo's

6382 Chapman Court, Mississauga ON L5V 1J2

0 Customer Reviews

Rating Not Yet Available

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Dare2Compare Demo's has not yet been rated. Be the first to write a review. The average customer rating for other businesses providing similar services serving the Mississauga area is 0.

Overall Rating Summary

Quality of Work Quality NA
Timeliness Timeliness NA
Cleanliness Cleanliness NA
Budget Budget NA
Communication Communication NA
Courteous Courteous NA

Rating Distribution

Very Good
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Dare2Compare Demo's has a TrustScore™ of 2.9. The average TrustScore™ for other businesses providing similar services in Mississauga and the surrounding areas is 3. For detailed information on how TrustScore is calculated, click here to learn more.

TrustScore 2.9 / 5.0
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The following elements are used to calculate TrustScore:

Customer Reviews Last 12 Months All Time
Total Received 0 0
Approved 0 0
Unverified 0 0
Suspicious 0 0
Overall Rating
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Complaints Received Last 12 Months Last 3 Years
Suppliers & Creditors 0 0
Employees & Sub-Contractors 0 0
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Posted License Information Not yet provided
Posted Liability Insurance Not yet provided
Posted Workers Compensation Not yet provided
Company Website No
Social Media Profiles Not yet provided
Endorsed by Peers Not yet endorsed
In Business Since 1994
Member of TrustedPros Since 2014

TrustedPros does not validate certain information provided by contractors and vendors in conjunction with the creation or maintenance of their profile and we cannot endorse or guarantee the performance of any contractor. TrustScores are provided for informational purposes only. We urge you to use the TrustScore™ in conjunction with the tips provided in our Hiring Guide to maximize the probability of hiring the best professional for you project.

Overview Continued


We are committed to plan, design and build the best home remodeling projects, whether it's a bathroom or kitchen upgrade, finishing a basement or a complete home renovation filled with luxury designer options. We take pride in creating homes that are as beautiful to look at as they are comfortable to live in. Each and every project offers a combination of quality materials and workmanship along with superior design, where every enhancement you select is seamlessly added to create a customized home that is uniquely yours.

Additional Information

Main contact(s) Joe Sanguedolce
Listed with TrustedPros since: 2014
Residential work Yes
Commercial work Yes
Warranty No
Accepts credit cards No
Year established 1994
Offers financing No
24 Hour emergency service No
Legal structure Sole Proprietor
Licensing information Contact Dare2Compare Demo's to request licensing info.
Insurance information Contact Dare2Compare Demo's to request insurance details.

Check local laws pertaining to license requirements and verify license and insurance details provided by the contractor prior to hiring.


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