
Windows and Doors

Useful tips and cost saving advice to help you with your windows and doors project.

Patio door
4 Tips for Your Sliding Glass Patio Door Installation Project

To create an open, bright and sunny feeling in your home install a sliding glass patio door. Before you begin and whether you call the contractor or start a DIY project, think about these four factors to maximize the impact. Consider the size, opting for the largest you can given the layout of your room. Think about the style and be sure to take accurate measurements based on standard ordering procedures. Finally, consider how you will access the door from the exterior and plan for a landing or patio outside. With these tips you're well on your way to a fantastic new home improvement project with a sliding glass patio door.

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Energy-Efficient Windows is a Hot Topic

Energy-efficient windows are a key element in saving energy in a home. New Low-Emissivity windows with argon gas filling between the spaces has reduced the heat loss in the home and this translates into hundreds of dollars a year. Other improvements in window manufacturing include plastic spacers between the panes and vinyl window frames. This new way of making windows is also cost-effective and this translates into greater savings for the consumer.

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